In our Media Watch Blog we present an analytical view of the media coverage and public debates concerned with the UN-Climate Change Conference in Paris* (November 30th – December 11th 2015) through the lens of academic observers from social and climate sciences. We focus on the coverage of the conference in leading media outlets in 40 countries around the globe but we will also provide some first-hand observations from students and researchers who participate in the conference. The blog is hosted by the team of Prof. Brüggemann at the University of Hamburg, but its authors are climate researchers and social scientists from a range of different backgrounds united by an interest in the interdisciplinary study of climate change.
The point of the blog is not to bash the media: Covering climate change is a demanding challenge for journalists and we do not pretend that we could provide better coverage than journalists do. Yet, as outsiders and interested followers of the media debate, we hope to add new perspectives and voices to a debate that deserves humanities’ fullest attention.
The language of the blog entries is English in order to allow an international audience and international contributors to participate. All blog entries represent the personal opinions and observations of the respective blog author and are neither official statements issued by the University of Hamburg, nor from the hosts of the blog.
The blog will start at November 29th.
*the entire name is United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 21st Conference of the Parties, kurz COP 21
In unserem Media Watch Blog wollen wir die öffentliche Debatte zur UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris* (30. November bis 11. Dezember 2015) analytisch begleiten und aus der Sicht interdisziplinärer Klimaforschung kommentieren. Das Blog ist auf Englisch um einem internationalen Publikum zugänglich zu sein und wird am 29. November starten.
*ihr vollständiger Name ist United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 21st Conference of the Parties, kurz COP 21