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Klima-Zeitenwende in der ARD? – Ein Jahr “Wirtschaft vor acht”

ARD: "Wirtschaft vor acht"

von Norman Schumann und Michael Brüggemann

Seit mehr als 22 Jahren ist einer der besten Sendeplätze der ARD, kurz vor der Tagesschau, dem Thema Finanzmarkt vorbehalten. Aus “Börse vor acht” wurde im März 2022 “Wirtschaft vor acht”. In einer Pressemitteilung kündigte die ARD an: “Ein Schwerpunkt ist das Themengebiet Ökonomie/Ökologie.” Grund genug, nach einem Jahr genauer auf die Inhalte des neuen Formats zu schauen.

Hintergrund des Re-Brandings des ARD Programms vor acht Uhr war möglicherweise die Kritik von Initiativen wie “KLIMA° vor acht”, welche die Vernachlässigung des Themas Klimawandel im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen kritisieren. Die Initiative forderte, unter anderem in einem offenen Brief, künftig kurz vor der Tagesschau Klimathemen statt ausschließlich Wirtschaftsthemen zu behandeln. Über Crowd-Funding finanzierte sie sogar die Produktion von sechs Folgen einer Serie “KLIMA° vor acht”, die vor Augen führen sollte, dass und wie das Klima-Thema auch für ein breites Publikum in einem kurzen Format interessant dargestellt werden kann.

Continue reading Klima-Zeitenwende in der ARD? – Ein Jahr “Wirtschaft vor acht”

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2020 on Twitter – Was there a topic besides Covid19?

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

After the outstanding year 2019, attention for climate change on Twitter in the past year quickly dropped to the level from the years 2018 and before. The harsh decline directly coincides with the rising worldwide attention for the “new” Corona virus later named Covid19, which caused the global pandemic the world is still struggling with. This looks like a prime example for the “Crowding-Out Effect”: Environmental topics tend to be pushed out of media reporting and public attention in times of crisis (Djerf-Pierre 2012).

Nevertheless, climate change punctually received high attention on Twitter. In the first months of 2020, the topic was still as high on the agenda as in the end of 2019, with natural and political events triggering peaks of attention.

graph showing daily number of tweets concerning climate change in 2020

*The Online Media Monitor on Climate Change Coverage (short form: OMM) collects tweets related to climate change if they contain at least one of the search strings #climatechange OR “climate change” OR “global warming” OR Klimawandel and receives at least 5 retweets. Read the OMM Guide to get more details about the methods and take a look at the error log file to get information about server problems. Continue reading 2020 on Twitter – Was there a topic besides Covid19?

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2019 on Twitter: Climate activism awakening

by Hadas Emma Kedar and Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

Shortly before 2020 is over, we will have a look back at 2019 to map the climate change debate as reflected transnationally on Twitter. Compared with the two years prior, 2019 showed a particular abundance of climate-related tweets: While the total tweets count of 2018 grew by 8% from 2017, the total count of 2019 grew by 70%. Then what triggered the climate discourse so much on Twitter that year? Continue reading 2019 on Twitter: Climate activism awakening

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Climate change reporting abounds in September

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

Our colleagues at the University of Colorado Boulder Media and Climate Change Observatory (MECCO) have spotlighted a long-time high in newspaper reporting about climate change – a trend we can substantiate with our own data on other news outlets. In September, media attention to climate change and global warming was at its highest level globally in nearly a decade.

Continue reading Climate change reporting abounds in September

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Wer vertraut denn heute noch den Medien?

von Fenja De Silva-Schmidt und Michael Brüggemann

Ein durchaus besorgniserregender Befund unserer Forschung ist ein mangelndes Vertrauen der deutschen Bevölkerung in die Medienberichterstattung zum Klimawandel. In der deutschlandweiten Umfrage unseres Projekts „Down to Earth“ war die größte Gruppe unentschlossen, ob sie den Medien bei diesem Thema vertrauen soll. Die zweitgrößte Gruppe vertraute den Medien nicht; nur eine Minderheit vertraute ihnen (siehe Grafik). Dies steht im Widerspruch zum durchaus robustem Vertrauen der Mehrheit in die Medien, so wie wir es aus anderen Befragungen kennen.

grafik zum Medienvertrauen 2015 und 2018

Eine mögliche Erklärung für dieses schlechte Zeugnis für die Klimapolitikberichterstattung liefert nun eine Langzeitstudie zum Medienvertrauen der Uni Mainz. Continue reading Wer vertraut denn heute noch den Medien?

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New article published: Climate politics in the media – the audience is expecting more

In an article for the German journal “Media Perspektiven”, we analysed our survey data from 2015 and 2018, focusing on media use and evaluation of the coverage related to the topic of climate change and climate politics. The article is available here (open access, German only).



In einem Artikel für die Fachzeitschrift “Media Perspektiven” haben wir unsere Befragungsdaten aus 2015 und 2018 im Hinblick auf die Nutzung und Bewertung klimapolitischer Medieninhalte ausgewertet. Der Artikel ist hier online zugänglich.

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IPCC Report Trumps Trump: Climate Change on Twitter in 2018

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

While Donald Trump was responsible for most peaks in the Twitter debate on climate change in recent years, 2018 was different: a scientific report trumped Trump in triggering the most intensive Twitter debate related to climate change.

As in previous years, we take a look at the Twitter data our Online Media Monitor (OMM) has gathered over the course of 2018, and describe the events that triggered tweets about climate change, as well as the most important domains that were linked to and the most active accounts in our sample.

Continue reading IPCC Report Trumps Trump: Climate Change on Twitter in 2018

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First results of our new survey

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

During the first week of the recent COP 24 in Katowice/Poland, we reran our survey from 2015 and questioned a sample of German nationals about their climate change knowledge and attitudes. The German newspaper DIE ZEIT published an article about our first results – here is a summary for our English speaking readers: Continue reading First results of our new survey

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Is German Climate Coverage driven by extreme temperatures? Partly.

by Joana Kollert, Manuel Kreutle, and Michael Brüggemann

Recent weeks have not only brought about record-breaking temperatures, but also a rise in climate coverage, as clearly shown by our Online Media Monitor (OMM) on Climate Change Coverage around the world [1]. But are higher-than-usual temperatures really the main trigger of climate change reporting? We had a closer look at the case of Germany: Continue reading Is German Climate Coverage driven by extreme temperatures? Partly.

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Paris Climate Summit – Media Summary – 9.12.15 – Canadian Coverage


Summary by Feilidh O’Dwyer

Three publications’ coverage relating to COP212 were examined from yesterday: CBC, The Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail.


On the main page of Canada’s national public broadcaster’s website, several climate stories featured prominently. One article wrote hopefully of an impending climate deal as the conference draws to a close. Some of the apparent 10-15 sticking points on such a deal are:

  • Whether a fund should be established to help compensate low-lying countries for loss and damage related to climate change.
  • What temperature should be included as the maximum warming the world should reach: 1.5 C or 2 C or somewhere in between.
  • How to review and improve national goals for reducing emissions in the future.

An analytic piece on the site writes of the “heroes and villains of the summit.”

Continue reading Paris Climate Summit – Media Summary – 9.12.15 – Canadian Coverage