Six theses for a constructive climate communication
In his column “On the subject” for the Deutsche Klima Konsortium (DKK), Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann presents six theses for a constructive climate communication. You can find the complete editorial here (in German only).
The six theses for constructive climate communication are in short:
1. We must continuously explain the fundamentals and backgrounds of climate change and climate policy.
2. We must not provide a forum for the denial of climate change.
3. Disaster scenarios can be supplemented by positive visions of a possible future.
4. We should treat people as subjects capable of acting and making decisions rather than as victims and sinners.
5. We can respect people’s values, beliefs and needs and show how climate protection aligns with these values.
6. We should link the big picture with short-term and day-to-day goals.
Sechs Thesen für eine konstruktive Klimakommunikation
In einem Editorial für das Deutsche Klima Konsortium (DKK) hat Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann sechs Empfehlungen formuliert, wie eine bessere Klima-Kommunikation mehr Menschen in ihrem Alltag erreichen und den Klimaschutz voranbringen kann.