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How do climate change documentaries imagine the future? A video commentary

Documentaries are one way of presenting the problems climate change poses, but also possibilities for a better future, to a broad audience. In this video, our team member Shorouk Elkobros, now Science Communication Consultant at the European Science Foundation, compares the approach and framing of different climate documentaries. Have fun watching it – but be warned, you might want to watch some or all of the documentaries mentioned afterwards!

The video summarizes the results from Shorouk’s Master’s thesis in Integrated Climate System Sciences at the University of Hamburg, titled “Multimodal framing of climate change-related future scenarios in documentaries”.

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What is a Climate Model?

by Felix Schaumann

Last August, our blogger Shorouk Elkobros explained what a climate model is in this video. One year later, climate models are still an essential tool for understanding global warming. In order to remind us how climate models work, Felix Schaumann has put together his own explanatory video.

Continue reading What is a Climate Model?

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New post series: “Explain your Jargon” – Part 1: What is a climate model?

A video series of climate change jargon buster
by Shorouk Elkobros

Climate models, geoengineering, loss and damage – those are some of the confusing terminologies that you’ll stumble upon when reading about climate change and climate politics.

Communicating climate change is a challenge. Most science journalists face difficulty in writing about technical notions that are hard to grasp. In our series ‘Explain your jargon’, we aspire to decode difficult climate terminologies and to present them in an easy, interesting and relatable way. In our first episode we ask: What is a climate model? Continue reading New post series: “Explain your Jargon” – Part 1: What is a climate model?