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Anders über ökologische Krisen reden und berichten – Veranstaltung & Rezensions-Reihe

people taking notes

In einer neuen Post-Reihe stellen wir Bücher vor, die den Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs kritisch beleuchten: Wie können wir anders über ökologische Krisen reden und berichten?

Zu dieser Frage findet am Donnerstag, 15. Dezember um 10.15 – 11.45 Uhr eine Online-Paneldiskussion mit den Autoren Christopher Schrader und Michael Adler und Ulrich Grober statt – offen universitätsintern für Studierende/Mitarbeitende.

Zu den Buch-Rezensionen:

Alle weiteren Posts der Rezensions-Reihe werden im Laufe des Januars und Februars veröffentlicht und in diesem Post gesammelt.

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Blogpost series: Current protests for climate protection

As the protests for more political engagement in climate protection have spread to even more countries and expandend from schoolchildren protesting on “Fridays for Future” to “Scientists for Future” supporting them, we have decided to publish a series of blogposts on this social movement, its coverage in the debate and in media reporting.

This post will serve to compile a list of the blogposts related to this topic.

Part 1: “Fridays for Future” – Can the next generation save our world?, January 27, 2019

Part 2: Public protests “for future” as part of citizenship – children and scientists included, March 15, 2019

Part 3: “Yes, but“-narrative in the German climate debate, March 20, 2019

Part 4: Science for Dummies, March 20, 2019

There is also a report about the climate change protests in Boulder, Colorado (USA) on our partner blog, as well as a comment by Max Boykoff why “The kids are all right”.