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Erschienen im Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg sollte dem Spuk mit den E-Scootern ein Ende machen

von Michael Brüggemann und Joana Kollert

E-Scooter im Stadtpark Hamburg. Bild von Joana Kollert

Jetzt hat Bundesverkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) aber gezeigt, dass er etwas schaffen kann. Nur anderthalb Monate nachdem er seine Lieblingsidee von E-Scootern in deutschen Städten durch den Bundesrat gejagt hat, liegen sie bereits überall im öffentlichen Raum herum. Leider wird damit kein Problem gelöst, sondern eins geschaffen.

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How misinformation persuaded my neighbor, and why I chose not to “educate” him

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

Recently I chatted to my neighbor and we happened to stumble upon the topic of climate change. He told me: “I don’t think the earth is really heating up, big changes don’t happen so fast. This so-called warming effect is physically not plausible, even many scientists say so – I learnt about that when I followed the climate conference on YouTube.” I was surprised about many aspects of this statement Continue reading How misinformation persuaded my neighbor, and why I chose not to “educate” him

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A change in mind (Photo journalism project as a support for #EarthToParis)


Blog by Anne Schmitz

“How can contemporary image makers promote new thinking and make a difference in the world?” (Fred Ritchin, Bending the frame)

Since the first day in my photo journalism class, taught by Sarah Schorr at Aarhus University, Ritchin’s quote has not lost its grip on me. How can a single photo in today’s digital media flow, still contribute towards making a change? How can one create meaningful content through a photo project?

Questions, which constantly floated in my head. Thoughts permanently popped up and disappeared again.

Continue reading A change in mind (Photo journalism project as a support for #EarthToParis)

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Degrees and vulnerability – personal account of the start of the summit


Elisabeth Eide
A blog by Elisabeth Eide

Monday morning the climate summit started with scores of state leaders arriving in their black cars, delegates and press mostly in electric shuttle buses. But Espace Générations Climat – the forum for all the non-accredited NGOs and activists, remained closed. They were not allowed to open until Tuesday, evidently for security reasons. The only demonstrators the delegates would see as they entered the accredited grounds of COP21 on Monday morning were seven angels with posters promoting climate justice and scorning fossil energy. Continue reading Degrees and vulnerability – personal account of the start of the summit