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New Post series: “Climate Change in Pop Culture” – Part 1: YA Novels

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

As climate change has become a topic intersecting many domains of our lives, it is hardly surprising that it has also made its way into pop culture. In a series of short posts, we are going to present examples of novels, songs and films dealing with the topic of climate change.

Part 1: Young adult novels

reading girl

Young adult (YA) novels are a special genre of fiction, written for readers from 12 to 18 years of age, but also read by many adults (as this article describes, half of the readers are adults). Continue reading New Post series: “Climate Change in Pop Culture” – Part 1: YA Novels

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New post series: “Explain your Jargon” – Part 1: What is a climate model?

A video series of climate change jargon buster
by Shorouk Elkobros

Climate models, geoengineering, loss and damage – those are some of the confusing terminologies that you’ll stumble upon when reading about climate change and climate politics.

Communicating climate change is a challenge. Most science journalists face difficulty in writing about technical notions that are hard to grasp. In our series ‘Explain your jargon’, we aspire to decode difficult climate terminologies and to present them in an easy, interesting and relatable way. In our first episode we ask: What is a climate model? Continue reading New post series: “Explain your Jargon” – Part 1: What is a climate model?

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Oceans will change colour due to Climate Change

by Felicitas Vach

Blue like the ocean. This saying could be overrun already by the end of this century. Our grandchildren might not see the oceans as we see them now. Scientists predict that the world’s largest waters will turn rather green due to climate change. 

Continue reading Oceans will change colour due to Climate Change

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Erschienen im Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg sollte dem Spuk mit den E-Scootern ein Ende machen

von Michael Brüggemann und Joana Kollert

E-Scooter im Stadtpark Hamburg. Bild von Joana Kollert

Jetzt hat Bundesverkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) aber gezeigt, dass er etwas schaffen kann. Nur anderthalb Monate nachdem er seine Lieblingsidee von E-Scootern in deutschen Städten durch den Bundesrat gejagt hat, liegen sie bereits überall im öffentlichen Raum herum. Leider wird damit kein Problem gelöst, sondern eins geschaffen.

Continue reading Erschienen im Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg sollte dem Spuk mit den E-Scootern ein Ende machen

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Wer vertraut denn heute noch den Medien?

von Fenja De Silva-Schmidt und Michael Brüggemann

Ein durchaus besorgniserregender Befund unserer Forschung ist ein mangelndes Vertrauen der deutschen Bevölkerung in die Medienberichterstattung zum Klimawandel. In der deutschlandweiten Umfrage unseres Projekts „Down to Earth“ war die größte Gruppe unentschlossen, ob sie den Medien bei diesem Thema vertrauen soll. Die zweitgrößte Gruppe vertraute den Medien nicht; nur eine Minderheit vertraute ihnen (siehe Grafik). Dies steht im Widerspruch zum durchaus robustem Vertrauen der Mehrheit in die Medien, so wie wir es aus anderen Befragungen kennen.

grafik zum Medienvertrauen 2015 und 2018

Eine mögliche Erklärung für dieses schlechte Zeugnis für die Klimapolitikberichterstattung liefert nun eine Langzeitstudie zum Medienvertrauen der Uni Mainz. Continue reading Wer vertraut denn heute noch den Medien?

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Results from survey: What do people eat in Hamburg? (Part II)

In a second flyer (in German), the sub-project team from Prof. Stefanie Kley presents more results from their representative telephone survey in Hamburg, taking a look at factors explaining different eating habits.

While 30 percent of men consume meat (almost) daily, only 18 percent of women have such a high meat consumption. There are also more female vegetarians and flexitarians.

They found that there is a gender difference (women eat less meat than men) and also an influence of education (people with a higher formal education eat less meat). For age, there was no clear trend.




Das Team von Prof. Stefanie Kley präsentiert in einem zweiten Flyer weitere Ergebnisse aus der im vergangenen Jahr in Hamburg durchgeführten telefonischen Umfrage. Darin wird beschrieben, welchen Einfluss Geschlecht, Bildung und Alter auf die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Befragten haben.

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New publication: Scientific networks on Twitter

Scientists communicate online via social media about climate change. They engage with other scientists as well as with journalists, civil society and politicians. To what extent and how their language use varies depending on whom they talk to was examined by Stefanie Walter, Ines Lörcher and Michael Brüggemann by combining network and automated content analysis. The full article with all findings is now available online (open access).

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Lecture Series Sustainable Lives

Accompanying our research project on sustainable food choices, our team is currently organizing a public lecture series on the topic of sustainable lifestyles.

In three events from April to June 2019, international guests will present their work concerning different aspects of the topic. The lectures cover Digital Foodscapes, Public Perceptions and Engagement with Climate Change and Social Identities in a Globalized World.

Further information about the dates and place can be found in the announcement poster.

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How misinformation persuaded my neighbor, and why I chose not to “educate” him

by Fenja De Silva-Schmidt

Recently I chatted to my neighbor and we happened to stumble upon the topic of climate change. He told me: “I don’t think the earth is really heating up, big changes don’t happen so fast. This so-called warming effect is physically not plausible, even many scientists say so – I learnt about that when I followed the climate conference on YouTube.” I was surprised about many aspects of this statement Continue reading How misinformation persuaded my neighbor, and why I chose not to “educate” him

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New article published: Climate politics in the media – the audience is expecting more

In an article for the German journal “Media Perspektiven”, we analysed our survey data from 2015 and 2018, focusing on media use and evaluation of the coverage related to the topic of climate change and climate politics. The article is available here (open access, German only).



In einem Artikel für die Fachzeitschrift “Media Perspektiven” haben wir unsere Befragungsdaten aus 2015 und 2018 im Hinblick auf die Nutzung und Bewertung klimapolitischer Medieninhalte ausgewertet. Der Artikel ist hier online zugänglich.